Folder Structure of Java Content Repository

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Revisão de 13h18min de 22 de maio de 2018 por Admin (discussão | contribs)

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You can view the folder structure of JCR from CRXDE Lite. The following table describes the folder structure within the repository:

Folder Description
/apps Contains all project code such as components, overlays, client libraries, bundles, i18n translations, and static templates created by an organization
/conf Contains all configurations for your website. This folder is used to store the dynamic templates and policies for your website.
/content Contains content created for your website
/etc Contains resources related to utilities and tools.
/home Contains AEM users and group information
/libs Contains the libraries and definitions that belong to the core of AEM. The subfolders in /libs represent the out-of-the-box AEM features.
/oak:index Contains Jackrabbit Oak index definitions. Each node specifies the details of one index. The standard indexes for the AEM application are visible and help create additional custom indexes.
/system Is used by Apache Oak only
/tmp Serves as a temporary working area
/var Contains files that change and are updated by the system; such as audit logs, statistics, and event-handling. The subfolder /var/classes contains the Java servlets in source and compiled forms that have been generated from the components scripts.