Ferramentas de manipulação de texto

Categoria: Linux Ubuntu
Publicado em 13 de Setembro de 2014
  • cat, short for concatenate, is used to read, print and combine files.
  • echo displays a line of text either on standard output or to place in a file.
  • sed is a popular stream editor often used to filter and perform substitutions on files and text data streams.
  • awk is a interpreted programming language typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool.
  • sort is used to sort text files and output streams in either ascending or descending order.
  • uniq eliminates duplicate entries in a text file.
  • paste combines fields from different files and can also extract and combine lines from multiple sources.
  • join combines lines from two files based on a common field. It works only if files share a common field.
  • split breaks up a large file into equal-sized segments.
  • Regular expressions are text strings used for pattern matching. The pattern can be used to search for a specific location, such as the start or end of a line or a word.
  • grep searches text files and data streams for patterns and can be used with regular expressions.
  • tr translates characters, copies standard input to standard output, and handles special characters.
  • tee accepts saves a copy of standard output to a file while still displaying at the terminal.
  • wc (word count) displays the number of lines, words and characters in a file or group of files.
  • cut extracts columns from a file.
  • less views files a page at a time and allows scrolling in both directions.
  • head displays the first few lines of a file or data stream on standard output. By default it displays 10 lines.
  • tail displays the last few lines of a file or data stream on standard output. By default it displays 10 lines.
  • strings extracts printable character strings from binary files.
  • The z command family is used to read and work with compressed files.

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